Fourth Roots Calculator

Fourth Roots Calculator

x4=?\sqrt[4]{x} = ?

How the Fourth Roots Calculator Works

  1. Input the Radicand: Enter the number xx (called the radicand) into the input field. This is the number for which you want to find the fourth root.

    • Positive values: The calculator will return the positive fourth root of the number.
    • Negative values: If a negative radicand is entered, the calculator will handle it properly by returning the negative fourth root.
  2. Negation: You can toggle between positive and negative values using the “+/−” button.

  3. Result: After clicking “Calculate,” the calculator will provide:

    • An exact result if xx is a perfect fourth power (i.e., the fourth root is an integer).
    • An approximate result rounded to six decimal places if the fourth root is not an integer.
  4. Clear: Click the “Clear” button to reset the input fields and result.

Formula for Fourth Roots

The general formula to compute the fourth root of a number xx is:

x4=x1/4\sqrt[4]{x} = x^{1/4}

This means that finding the fourth root of xx is equivalent to raising xx to the power of 14\frac{1}{4} (or multiplying it by itself four times to get back to xx).


  1. Perfect Fourth Root Example
    Find the fourth root of 1616.

    Using the formula:

    164=161/4=2\sqrt[4]{16} = 16^{1/4} = 2

    This is because 2×2×2×2=162 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 = 16, so the fourth root of 16 is exactly 2.

  2. Approximate Fourth Root Example
    Find the fourth root of 5050.

    Using the formula:

    504501/42.659\sqrt[4]{50} \approx 50^{1/4} \approx 2.659

    The calculator will return approximately 2.659148 as the fourth root of 50, rounded to six decimal places.

  3. Negative Fourth Root Example
    Find the fourth root of 81-81.

    Using the formula:

    814=814=3\sqrt[4]{-81} = -\sqrt[4]{81} = -3

    This is because 3×3×3×3=81-3 \times -3 \times -3 \times -3 = -81. Hence, the fourth root of 81-81 is 3-3.
