Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
How the Converter Works:
- Enter a temperature in Fahrenheit using the input field.
Negate Function:
- The
button toggles the sign of the entered value between positive and negative.
- The
- When the “Calculate” button is clicked, the
function is called. - The formula for Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion is applied:
- The result is displayed in the format:
X°F = Y°C
, whereY
is the temperature in Celsius, rounded to two decimal places.
- When the “Calculate” button is clicked, the
Clear Button:
- The “Clear” button resets both the input field and the result display.
Example 1:
- Input: 100 °F
- Calculation:
- Result:
100°F = 37.78°C
Example 2:
- Input: 32 °F
- Calculation:
- Result:
32°F = 0°C
Example 3:
- Input: -40 °F
- Calculation:
- Result:
-40°F = -40°C